C a r l i s l e M i l l i n g C o m p a n y

Kiln-Dried Lumber
We got our start in lumber, and that, to this day, is our bread and butter. All of our product lines are a result of our countless hours perfecting our techniques for drying quality hardwoods from generations of drying techniques culminating with state of the art vacuum kilns.
We supply raw lumber, S3S, and S4S material for all manner of clients and projects. Whether you're a craftsman needing a couple boards, or a company needing a regular truck load, we're here to help put the best quality timber possible in your hands.

Our Kiln Process
The beginning of our lumber's journey starts at the sawmills. We source our material from sustainable, small business loggers who can help us get the individual trees that have grown and produced the quality we expect for our materials.
From there, the lumber is rough sawn and shipped directly to us. We then stack the lumber and position in our warehouses which are built to facilitate optimal airflow, allowing the wood to begin drying and stabilizing under weight as we cycle it through the kiln.
We use a state-of-the-art vacuum kiln which allows us to dry wood in a controlled environment under pressure, which helps to dry the wood faster while helping to limit the potential for warpage and cracking, or "checking" as we call it in the industry. The pressurized chamber allows water to be evaporated under lower temperatures, which helps keep these typical issues from wasting a lot of lumber.
Thanks to our careful handling of the material, our diligent monitoring during air drying, and the technology in our vacuum kilns, what normally takes a mill eighteen months or more to accomplish can be finished in a matter of weeks, depending on the species.

Got Lumber You Need Dried?
Have some timber you've milled off your property you'd love to turn into a custom table, bedframe, or some other conversation piece with a story? We can help you achieve that!
Give us a call for a custom drying quote and we'll take your lumber through our entire process from green, wet wood. We'll even mill it up if you want specific sizes for your project.
So get your lumber over here and on our docket; we only ask you share plenty of pictures when you're done!